
Black leather skirt: what to wear?

Black leather skirt: what to wear?

Skirt – one of the basic and essential items of female clothing.. There are many shapes and styles of skirts, thousands, and millions of species, and find the model easy to taste. However, some choose a skirt? Leather? Knitting? Nylon? Or silk? This paper is devoted to such a controversial subject of women’s wardrobe, like a black leather skirt.

Black – universal color. You probably have a black bag, black trousers, a black sweater, and black tights. It remains to buy a black leather skirt – and the collection will be complete. In a black leather skirt, a woman looks stylish and sexy.

The skirt can be made from natural (eg, calf or sheep) or artificial leather. The skirts of leather are expensive and difficult to find them. Most often, when you create a skirt is used leather and synthetic materials. The most popular black leather mini-skirt and leather skirt of medium length. Depending on the length of the skirt to she should choose shoes and accessories.

1) From what to wear a black leather skirt?

What kind of shoes suitable for such a controversial article of clothing, like a black leather skirt? Of course, the shoes or boots with heels. The combination of black leather skirts and boots with animal print is very sexy and impressive.

2) Fitting shirt or jacket

The tight-fitting T-shirt breast goes well with a black leather skirt. This combination will suit the office. The white shirt is almost universal, it can be worn with any bottom.

3) Vest

If you want to look stylish and fashionable, add a leather skirt, a fur or leather jackets. The main thing that vest was a simple cut. In a fur vest you’ll look stylish and natural, and a leather – radiate power and confidence. Both options are more suited to informal settings.

4) Large earrings, rings

A black leather skirt would not look so impressive if you do not supplement the ensemble of earrings. Big silver earrings, rings – a win-win accessory that goes well with a black leather skirt. These earrings emphasize the brilliance and originality of the image. They also combine well with a fur vest and leather boots.

5) Black Leather Bag

A leather bag is perfect for your black leather skirt. It could be anything from the main thing – that she was black. Also note the size: medium or large bag size fits best.

How to care for a leather skirt?

A black leather skirt is almost as versatile as the little black dress. She always looks spectacular, whether artificial or natural leather is manufactured. However, the skin requires special care. Some leather skirts can be cleaned only in the dry cleaners. One of the most important conditions for the care of things from the skin – protection from moisture.

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